Friday, July 25, 2008

Austrian TV reveals possible backdoor in Skype

Recently, the well respected German based news feed Heise Security has reported, that the ORF (Austria's public TV) has published on his Internet presence that Austria officials find it "not easy, but not a real problem" to secretly listen to calls made by the Skype VoIP service. This gives room for rumours, that Skype is not that secure at all. Due to the fact, that Skype refuses to publish source code or protocol details, it is very hard to verify this. The eBay owned Skype Company refuses to comment, said Heise Security.

To think this is true, not only police officials can get information out of Skype-based phone calls but other technical aware persons or organisations as well. You bet what I did after reading this: I removed the Skype client from my PC immediately. Luckily, there are lots of VoIP Clients available, based on the SIP-protocol, some of them even Open Source.